Affichage des articles dont le libellé est embarrassing moment. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est embarrassing moment. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 5 décembre 2012


Yes, there are certain unwritten rules every girl must follow when giving a sexy webcam show. I will share these with you in so you can prevent yourself from becoming the next big internet meme. Unless you don't give a crap about what happens during your show, you will carefully read and put these 10 rules to practice to make sure you're not a complete webcam model failure.
sexy webcam show gone wrong
Kinder surprise

Kinder surprise

Rule 1:

Get a babysitter for your offspring - we don't wanna know you've allowed you to reproduce.

Rule 2:

Put your animals away in another room - nothing ruins a good show when your dog tries come in for a quick leg hump.

Rule 3:

Take down family photos and pictures of your kids - nobody wants to see your failed genetics.

Rule 4:

Do not use your child's Hello Kitty bedspread - it's not sexy and frankly is kind of weird.

Rule 5:

Rule 5: Wash every nook and cranny.. and I mean EVERYTHING! You wouldn't want the Webcam Bandit to take screenshots of your unwashed asshole now would you?

Rule 6:

Wash your feet. Yes you heard me, give your paws a good scrubbing. Lots of guys have a foot fetish.

Rule 7:

Make sure you are not expecting visitors - unless its the big sausage pizza guy.

Rule 8:

Rest before a show, I've seen cam models fall asleep and this is a big no no

Rule 9:

Never put your back to a window, why? Here is why!

Rule 10:

Lock your door... you never know.There's rapists everywhere. So hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your husband cause they rapin' everybody out there!
No one is protected from embarrassing moments but by following these few simple rules you might just have an amazing and uninterrupted sexy webcam show. You know the webcam bandit is everywhere and will use your embarrassing moments against you! Be careful he might be out to get you!